Trauma responses come in many forms, and it seems like no matter how long and how hard you work on yourself, they still occur. I do this thing that irritates my sister. I always thought of it as a positive. I like to get things done. Immediately. If I’m asked to do something, I usually […]
Hannibal Lecter, Norman Bates, Adolf Hitler, Vlad the Impaler, Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump. Besides being “villains” of a sort, what do these men have in common? I will give you one guess! I had a very interesting session with a client yesterday, and he actually told me to “write about this” because he wants people […]
Reciprocity is defined as “being truly heard and seen by people around us, feeling that we are held in someone else’s mind and heart.” (Body Keeps the Score) I’ve been thinking about that as I re-read Bessel Van Der Kolk’s book. Almost every client asks me how I did it. How did I get to […]